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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Olivet Memorial Park
Street: 1601 Hillside Blvd.
City: Colma State: CA Zip:94014
Price:$4000 One Sp. 15% Broker
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: One burial space located in the Veterans area. The owner is asking $4000 for this space. Grave Solutions co-ops brokerage fee with 15% of the gross selling price to the selling entity. Call owner or call Grave Solutions at 703 742 8136 or 888 742 8046 toll free.


Seller Information
Seller name: Ann Morris
Seller phone number: 530 342 3550
Seller email: inquiries@gravesolutions.com

This information is provided to you free of charge by Gravesolutions.com




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