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We recommend that you contact the
owner of this property and work out the details of the sale. |
Information |
Name:Jefferson Memorial Gardens |
Street: 1591 Gadsden Hwy
City: Birmingham State: AL
Zip:35235 |
Price:$REDUCED to $9,500, 2 plots w/services & fees
Type:Cemetery Plot |
Two (2) premium plots, 196A1, 196A2 in Garden of Everlasting Life, includes two(2)complete funeral services and two(2) opening/closing fees. Value $15,690, sell $9,500. Also have and will sell two(2) plots, 196A3 and 196A4, plots only, for $2,500. Package deal, all 4 plots, 2 services, 2 fees $11,500. Make Offer. |
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