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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Tyler Mountain Memorial Gardens
Street: 5233 Rocky Fork Rd
City: Cross Lanes State: WV Zip:25313
Price:$2000 2 spaces
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: I have 2 cemetary plots at beautiful Tyler Mountain Memorial Gardens in Cross Lanes WV just outside of Charleston. These plots are located in the Last Supper Gardens and are well maintained by company. Lot number is 167-A, spaces 1 and 2. Will sell both for $2000. Payment accepted cashier's check or certified check only. Once cleared transfer is simple thru e-mail or fax. Hurry these will not last. Questions e-mail rodgerp69@aol.com


Seller Information
Seller name: Rodger Paxton
Seller phone number: 704 301 0246
Seller email: rodgerp69@aol.com

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