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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Charlotte Memoiral Gardens
Street: 7632 Hood Road
City: Charlotte State: NC Zip:28215
Price:$5800 4 Sp. & 2 V.
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: 4 Burial Spaces at Charlotte Memorial Gardens, located in the Garden of Meditation, Lot 13-D, Spaces 1-4. The owner is also selling with the four spaces, 2 vaults and a 44 x14 inch Bronze Memorial with flower vase on 48 x18 inch Granite. Owner will consider selling 2 spaces separately. Please call Owner at 704-596-1798.


Seller Information
Seller name: DONNA SEAFORD
Seller phone number: 704-596-3531

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