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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Mobile Memorial Gardens
Street: 6100 Three Notch Rd
City: Mobile State: AL Zip:36619
Price:$2988 2 Spaces
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: LOT with TWO BURIAL SPACES FOR SALE only $1,494 EACH. Two Burial Spaces in Mobile Memorial Gardens, Section S the TREE OF LIFE, Lot #81-A, Spaces 1 & 2. Cemetery list price is $2,490 per Space. Owner is taking 40% off list and asking only $1,494 per Space. Total is only $2988. We the sellers will pay all transfer fees, all Endowed Care Trust Fund Expenses and any other fees that may be involved. Please call phone number so we contact the cemetery for transaction.


Seller Information
Seller phone number: 404 200 3285
Seller email: cchrivia@gmail.com

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