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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Rose Hills - Dawn Columbarium
Street: 3888 S. Workman Mill Road
City: Whittier State: CA Zip:90601
Price:$4900 each 2 Double Niches
Cemetery Type:Mausoleum
Description: 2 Double Niches located in El Portal De La Paz mausoleum, Sanctuary of Salvation, Dawn Columbarium. Both niches are located in space 26 on the end side of the entrance, tiers B and E. Only privately owned niches in section Salvation are available at this time. Niches can be bought separately or together. Asking $4900 for each.


Seller Information
Seller name: Sheila Butts
Seller phone number: 406 546 2342
Seller email: mntnawolf@aol.com

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